
This tab becomes visible once you activate the service. You'll find everything related to the statistics of the chats that occurred in the channels that have integrated the ChatCenter Network service

Step 1: On the left margin of your screen you have the possibility to filter the results:

> If you have more than 1 business or web page with the ChatCenter service, here you can select them and see the statistics of each one.

> Type: You can filter the results and see those of the BOT, the chatters or both.
> Year
> Month/Day: Organized by quarters, month and day, you can make a selection in the range of dates you require

Step 2: On the right, you will find the statistics regarding the filters that you have entered.


> Percentage of chats served by the BOT
> Percentage of chats attended by human agents.
> Number of Chats transferred by the BOT to the human agent.
> Average time of the duration of the chats.
> First attention
> Quantity of Sales (if you had an associated Sales Tracker).
> Percentage of satisfaction.

Step 3: These charts also work as a dynamic filter. That is, you can click on a channel, day, time, etc. and the rest of the graphs will show the information corresponding to what you have selected.


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