Tomorrow customers will purchase directly from chatbots

Tomorrow customers will purchase directly from chatbots

The so-called millennials have 20% less possibilities of contacting via e-mail than baby boomers. In addition, they prefer a more genuine and personal communication as a chatbot. Below we will tell you the reason why.

Did you know that a recent eMarketer survey proved that 67% of millennials are willing to buy products and services via a chatbot? The fact is that this generation “”born between 1981 and 1997″”, is persistently connected to their smartphones. That´s why it does not seem odd that AI chatbots are mainly focused on messaging applications that they use most.

They are aged between 21 and 38; they have no good reputation regarding job stability; they are unstable and with few aspirations; they simply live here and now and enjoy what life offers them along with their friends. And companies need to adapt to this generation.

They are social media fans; they share their lives and made them public as well as their purchase experiences with the virtual community; and this turns them in great company critics. According to Forbes, the “Smartphone Generation“ is much more demanding and changeable as customers than the previous ones. 86% would stop making business with a company as a consequence of a bad experience as a client.

Their Relationship with Chatbots

Retale, a consultancy firm, made a survey among 500 millennials willing to know how this young people behave regarding chatbots. The results showed that near 60% of the people surveyed have used chat robots at some point, compared with a 42% who have not used chatbots ever. 53% of them would be interested in giving them a try, compared to a 26% that do not want to and a 20% that are neutral regarding this issue.

Unlike the X generation (born between 1965 and 1980) “”who experienced the Internet emergence and make adaptative efforts to the dizzy pace of the upcoming generation””, millennials were born in a digital era and thus, their relationships are more via a cell phone than through a physical contact. It is much more natural for them to chat with a virtual assistant than with a human being; they even prefer them because they do not show a bad mood, and they are kind and ready to help when they need them.

According to a study from American Express, this generation is concerned more than any other group about getting an excellent customer service and they are willing to spend up to 21% more for it.

By 2025, they will represent 75% of the consumption globally. In the meanwhile, it is estimated that by 2020, they will be responsible for defining preferences and behaviors of a large portion of the people with respect to e-commerce, payment methods and the use of technology.

To get adapted is a must more than a suggestion. From OhWhatAChat we can provide you with the  solution to be closer to this generation. You can install your artificial intelligence chatbot in your company in a fast and simple way.

Millennials relationship with chatbots

Tomorrow customers will purchase directly from chatbots

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