Beyond the size: Big, small, or middle-sized. It does not matter the type of industry, if it is a BtoC or in what markets it operates in. Companies need to reach their clients directly, simply, effectively and fastly.
From multinational banks and clothing brands to delivery companies, everyone is implementing artificial intelligence via chatbots to communicate with their clients and prospects.
The fact is that benefits of virtual assistants are so many and they can be tested in so little time that companies found out the competitive advantages this technology could provide them with almost immediately, no matter the type of company or the industry. There is a solution for each of them.
ChatBots are a type of robot installed by enterprises in order to develop certain functions related to customer service, thus helping people to solve their concerns immediately. Moreover, companies reduce costs and offer a 24/7 customer service. We will give you a very clear example which you will be able to identify immediately. At present, we often use applications for food delivery. Fast food companies started to implement their own chatbots.For instance, TacoBell named its assistant TacoBot. This chat robot allows storing each client´s order; the platform identifies its users thus offering a more customized experience and enabling the placing of the order when the client communicates again.
In banking, for example, chatbots can also help to provide information related with banking schemes and to solve queries fastly. Banks also started to use artificial intelligence and implemented their chat robots to interact with their service users. This allows them to solve queries in a very short time without human involvement. The most interesting thing is that clients do not realize they are interacting with a machine since the experience feels very real.
On the other side, bots also help banks to address customers’ claims analyzing them and providing them with important information to improve their services as well as their product offer.
Regardless of the size or the industry area, having a virtual assistance is crucial today. Not only you can improve your service, but also increase your sales.
¡Install your chatbot right now and begin to rely on the benefits of being at your clients’ disposal when they need you!